Running Projects
- Membrane separation of carbon dioxide from flue gas and its subsequent use
- Development of novel components for electromembrane modules using additive technologies
- Electromembrane modules for high temperature operation with system of active tightening force control
- Equipment for the manufacture of hollow fibres membrane modules
- Advanced Membranes for biogas upgrading and high added value compounds recovery
Finished Projects
- Innovation of test and development equipment for membranes and modules
- Zero liquid discharge of industrial waste water using electrodialysis
- Membrane with Intensive Ions Transport
- Valorization and of high added value solutions in dairy industry using membrane and electromembrane processes “4 whey 2 dairy”
- Separation and purification of valuable substances from biological solutions using electromembrane processes
- Development of membranes and membrane modules for gas separation
- Production of acid using bipolar membrane
- Smart Regions
- New technologies and new food products with membrane processes
- Landfill leachate treatment
- Progressive development of the Membrane Innovation Centre
- Electromembrane Modules of New Generation
- Electromembrane Modules of New Generation
- Special Membranes
- Wastewater Recycling from Nitrogen Fertilizer Industry
- Wine Stabilization with Usage of the Electrodialysis Process
- Salty Cheese Whey Processing
- Water Treatment Using Membrane Technologies in Power and Heat Industry
- Biogas Upgrading of Biogas by Implementation of Membrane Separation Processes
- Research of New Technology of Ultra-pure Water Based on Electrodeionization
- Ion-exchange Materials in the Form of Membranes and Nanofibres
- Functional Polymers in Membranes for Alternative Energy and Bio-specific Sources