Solving a new task, we standardly proceed as following: after prescreening, we perform a laboratory test to evaluate the possibility of using membrane processes for the actual problem. If laboratory tests show promising results, pilot trials validate the process conditions and obtain more detailed information about the composition of the final product and data for scale-up. Based on these data, we submit basic engineering and process design, and in cooperation with MEGA we propose an industrial solution.
Our MEGA colleagues ensure the manufacturing. We provide start-up, training and subsequent consultation services for small-scale devices.

Our parent company MEGA is developing and manufacturing RALEX® membranes for the production of our modules. The modules are used to assemble complete ED and EDI units from laboratory to large-industrial-scale units. MemBrain is responsible for small-scale systems.
We offer:
• Innovations of existing technologies or development of new technologies and products with higher added value.
• Custom-made devices and technologies for electrodialysis, electrodeionization, diffusion dialysis, and gas membrane separation processes.
• Laboratory and pilot tests – our technical laboratory is equipped with many laboratory and pilot units for different membrane processes. These units are normally used for tests in MemBrain or at the customer’s site. The tests are performed by MemBrain staff or by the staff of the customer.

Currently, the membrane processes became more and more indispensable and of crucial importance in many different industries, i.e. surface treatment, automotive, power & energy, oil & gas, mining, food & beverage. For an overview of our industrial applications, see Industrial Applications.


The treatment of water is an extensive topic. Many companies or manufacturers deal with an output in the form of water containing substances that can't be discharged back into nature. We are solving this problem of whether these substances can be separated and reused. Applying this approach, industrial companies meet legislative requirements and save on necessary pretreatment and valuable substances contained in aqueous solutions.
Based on our top research background and considerable experience with water treatment, we can design even a combined technology of membrane processes.

Zero Liquid Discharge
We see the vast potential and growing demand in the Zero Liquid Discharge processes, where the combination of different membrane processes (i.e. UF, RO, ED) ensure the required wastewater utilisation. Together with MEGA, we can design and implement all the technical concepts. Find out more at Zero liquid discharge.

Ultrapure water production by electrodeionization (EDI) is a polishing technology to produce high purity water. It typically operates after the pretreatment and reverse osmosis process. The ultrapure water has removed all the conductive components such as solid substances, salts, organic particles, and dissolved gases. This causes its very low conductivity and also high resistivity. Find out more at Ultrapure water.


Whey processing
We research desalination of sweet, acid, and salty whey, whey processing for preparing nutritionally valuable food supplements, pretreatment of whey, the concentration of lactose, and recycling of water from salinised streams back into production. In addition, we investigate the possibility of using crystalline salts or salt concentrates produced during the desalination of whey. Electrodialysis in dairy and whey processing has already been established as a solid and competitive technology. Find out more at Dairy.

Special applications

RALEX® standard and bipolar membrane electrodialysis efficiently produce, separate and purify your valuable substances, i.e. organic acids, metals, and other expensive industrial substances. Specific metals salts, saccharides, amino acids, and specialities from the field of food-processing and pharmaceutic preparations have high added value. We can separate unwanted substances, primarily salts, and return valuable substances from the useless mixture into the production process. By this, we protect nature and help industrial enterprises to increase their income.

Unique and comprehensive solution for recycling light and heavy-duty antifreeze and HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) refrigerants developed by MemBrain is RALEX® ART – Antifreeze Reuse Technology. This technology can remove insolubles, heavy metals, oils, organic and inorganic salts while providing a high-quality product. The product is an aqueous solution of glycols or glycerol with significantly reduced impurities and original additives (conductivity lower than 0.3 mS/cm). Find out more at Antifreeze recycling.



We focus on carbon dioxide (CO2) separation from exhaust gases or biogas separation for biomethane production.

Biogas separation for production of biomethane (BioCNG)
Biogas stations serve to produce electric power and heat buildings. MemBrain develops technologies for the separation of biogas to produce biomethane, which is an alternative to natural gas. Biomethane is used under the name BioCNG as fuel for cars, buses, trucks, tractors or is pressed into the gas network and burned in gas boilers.

The main advantages of the technology are:
• Verified by long-term operation, typical product over 96% methane.
• The technology works without any chemicals and does not generate waste.
• Zero water consumption.
• Flexible technology – technology rolls into parameters in minutes.
• Zero methane losses due to system integration into a biogas plant with cogeneration.
• Container design – without the need for construction clearance.
• Expanding the capacity of technology.
• Minimum operator requirements.
• Low energy intensity compared to conventional technologies.
• Low operating costs.
• Allows for biogas with a higher methane content compared to conventional technologies.

For more information, see Gas.


Our R&D department is now focusing on development and implementation of flue gas treatment technology, with spotlight on CO2 separation with the utilisation of hollow fibre modules at a pilot scale. Furthermore, we use the acquired CO2 in subsequent testing of a plasma gasification/pyrolysis technology. Subsequently, we would like to connect both technologies into one complex device, which operates as a pilot plant installed on-site and processes natural flue gas. Our long-term goal is to broaden the portfolio of available technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by Czech know-how and attempt to enter the market with commercial units.