MemBrain offers a two-step evaluation of membrane technology performance: (i) laboratory tests, (ii) pilot tests.
Laboratory tests evaluate the possibility of using membrane processes in solving the actual problem and determine initial process conditions. The tests give us:
- preliminary information – sustainability of electrodialysis use,
- general mass balance,
- general information about process conditions.
For the electrodialysis process (ED, EDR, EDBM, EDM), we use our laboratory units type P EDR-Z:
- The operating flow rate is ca. 45-65 L/hour,
- The effective area of the ED module is 640 cm2
- DC source: 30 V / 3 A, 40 V / 5 A (depending on the unit type).
Example of laboratory unit P EDR-Z/2x1
If laboratory tests show promising results, pilot tests are performed to validate process conditions and obtain more detailed information about the composition of the final product and data for scale-up to industrial units. We usually run the laboratory tests in our laboratory and pilot test at the customer’s plant. The pilot tests can also be performed without previous laboratory tests if a similar solution was successfully tested before. Pilot tests are a necessary step for a proper design of full-scale membrane technology.
Results of pilot tests:
- Validation of laboratory results.
- Data for the design of an industrial plant.
- Detailed mass balance (transport of ions, losses), water consumption, chemicals, and electric energy.
- Composition of products (diluate and concentrate).
The accomplishment of pilot tests:
- Pilot tests performed by MemBrain staff.
- Pilot tests performed in cooperation with a customer; staff is trained during the tests.
In MemBrain, we are equipped with various types of pilot units (for electrodialysis, microfiltration, ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis, diffusion dialysis) to verify the process parameters in our technological laboratory or at the customer’s facility.
Example of pilot unit P1 EDR-Y/4x2_19SALES
Operating flow rate: 0.35-1.0 m3/hour
Effective area of ED module: 1 or 2 m2*
DC source: 140 V / 25 A**
Example of pilot unit P2 EDR-X/2x1
Operating flow rate: 0.35-1.0 m3/hour
Effective area of ED module: 9.6 m2*
DC source: 140 V / 25 A**
* depends on module type
** depends on the unit type
For more information about our devices, see the Development of custom-made devices and technologies.