Page 7 - MemBrain
P. 7

Dear friends,


I can announce, with joy and pride, that after several years of effort we managed to bring into life
a basis for the further development of membrane separation processes, the Membrane Innovation
Centre. In 2006, when the idea emerged, a few people believed that a private Czech company
would be able to perform its research activities on the world-class level.


I have always encouraged my colleagues not only to be good and keep pace with competition
that cannot be totally eliminated . I have taught them that our goal is to be one step before
our competition. Only then we will be able to offer to our customers the most progressive
and effective solutions that will always take into account environmental protection
as one of the key priorities of our work.


My hopes in the future of the scientific-research and engineering-technology company
of MemBrain are based on the conviction that only the regular operation of the Membrane
Innovation Centre will be the proper driving force, allowing us not only to compete
successfully with world competition but also to be the best in the field
of electromembrane processes.


Experience has taught me that the biggest wealth of every company lies in its people.
And those who want to be successful must invest a bit of themselves into their work.
The expert team of the MEGA group companies consists of experienced managers,
bold researchers, best technologists, sellers and many others, who develop the potential
and know-how of these companies through their teamwork and enthusiasm.


Ing. Lubo Novák, CSc., owner of MEGA group

 The transfer of new ideas and procedures into the commerce
is a key to success. The best are those who manage
this process fastest.
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